Enlightenment Intensive with Kjell Gustafsson      

4-Day Dyad Retreat from November 17th - 22nd, 2024

(3 Day Intensive + 1 Integration Day)

At Wolfhof in Simonswald in the Black Forest, Germany

You are invited to a transformative gathering in the fall, surrounded by powerful nature.

Kjell Gustafsson will lead this retreat with humor, compassion, and a clarity and competence that has grown from 22 years of experience.

"Enlightenment Intensive with Kjell:

Deep, challenging, wonderful." - Klaus

Would you like to nourish yourself by tapping into the inner light as the days grow shorter?

Enlightenment Intensives are a form of group retreat that can offer spiritual enlightenment experiences in a relatively short period of time. These retreats can help us become more authentic - more internally free, allowing genuine joy to emerge. It's a journey deep into our immediate experience, into the magic that unfolds when the mind's survival strategies begin to loosen their grip.


Here's what you can expect from this Enlightenment Intensive:

  • A unique, surprisingly powerful blend of contemplation, communication, and direct self-experience.

  • An interpersonal space where understanding and compassion can flourish. As we explore together, trust grows, leading to a sense of safety and relaxation, opening the door to discovering new inner territory.

  • You might find yourself laughing, crying, and seeing yourself and the world with fresh eyes and an open heart.

  • A laboratory for exploring your own truth. No belief system is taught or applied.

  • Recommended reading: What is an EI / What is an EI not (external link).


Daily schedule and structure of the retreat:

  • We engage in numerous (up to 12) dyads daily: meditative explorations with a partner, following a clear structure. You'll be heard and seen in your exploration. It's a direct pathway to the shared Here & Now.
  • A structured, highly focused daily schedule helps us relax and go deeper. We wake up each day at six in the morning with a gong. Walking meditations outdoors, rest periods, and gentle Hatha yoga ensure a balanced experience. The fourth day is dedicated to integrating what we've experienced.
  • Outside of the exercises, we maintain silence and avoid physical contact. We also refrain from external communication and all forms of stimulants.


What you can take away:

  • We enhance our ability to stay present with every experience and with other people. This strengthened ability, along with many nurtured inner qualities and deep insights, can be carried into your daily life.
  • Dyads are a form of communication meditation. This practice can significantly improve our communication skills in surprisingly simple ways. New clarity and insight can emerge in our relationships.
  • What else you'll take away is a powerful practice that you can share with others.


After the retreat:

  • We recommend planning at least two quiet days after the retreat.
  • There will be two follow-up meetings with Kjell on Zoom.
  • Many participants from the last Intensive continue to meet for dyads and discussions, either via Zoom or in person.
  • A great way to continue practicing dyads after the retreat (or to get to know dyads beforehand) is the Global Dyad Network. It's volunteer-based, free, and non-dogmatic. You can find more information here: https://www.globaldyadmeditation.org/. I have been an active practitioner and host here for many years.


Kjell was' totally changed' in his first Enlightenment Intensive in 2001 (hear more in the video). Since then, he has participated in 11 two-week retreats and numerous shorter ones.

Since 2017, Kjell has been leading Enlightenment Intensives annually. He lives in Sweden, and works as a social worker with drug-addicted teenagers and as a coach.

For further you may also visite Kjell's website.

You may find more videos here.

Language & Team

Kjell will lead the retreat in English.

Non-German speakers can do dyads with English-speaking participants only.

The retreat will be accompanied by a bilingual assistant.

Birgit Uihlein and Dorothée Krings participated in EI last year, and this time they are taking care of the organization.


Accommodation & Meals

Wolfhof is situated in a quiet, secluded location near Simonswald in the Black Forest, surrounded by vibrant nature.

There is no Wi-Fi or mobile phone network (but there is a landline phone).

Accommodation is in shared rooms.

Showers and toilets are communal. Please bring your own bedding or sleeping bags.

All meals are vegan, prepared with organic ingredients, free from sugar, gluten, and lactose.


On the fourth day of our retreat (November 21st), we will prepare for the return to everyday life

We'll have time and support to integrate our experiences. We will do a special integration practice, and gently transit into more familiar modes of communication, while preserving and nourishing what is new.

In the afternoon, we'll start cleaning all the rooms in our accommodation together, and meanwhile practice keeping our fresh sense of awareness in an everyday activity.


Arrival and Departure

Arrival is possible on November 17th between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM.

We will start the retreat at 6:00 PM, followed by a communal dinner.

On the morning of the 22nd, we will once again have a communal breakfast.

Afterwards, we will complete the final cleaning together so that our accommodation is ready for the following group.

Departure is possible on the 22nd from 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM.

Travel directions can be found here: By train and bus / By car.


Price Range: €580 - €850

Within the price range, you can choose an amount that feels appropriate for you given your financial situation and brings you joy in giving.

Your participation fee includes organic full board, 5 nights' accommodation, and two follow-up Zoom meetings.

If even the minimum fees are a barrier for you, please contact Birgit to find a solution.


Images: Seminar room, view from Wolfhof in summer,